
¡Habla inglés hoy mismo! Estas a solo tres pequeños pasos de hablar inglés.

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Algunos de los cursos que manejamos son los siguientes: 

Vocabulary of Pets

  1. Veterinarian (Vet)
  2. litter box
  3. leash
  4. stray (noun)
  5. pet sitter
  6. fetch
  7. breed
  8. Purr
  9. Treats
  10. Wag
  1. a person who looks after sick and hurt animals.
  2. a tray that has special absorbent sand, designed as a place for cats to pee or poop.
  3. the rope or other material used to stop an animal running away, normally a dog (same as lead).
  4. an animal that is lost or has no home. e.g. There are tons of strays, mostly cats, around my neighborhood.
  5. someone who is hired to take care of pet animals, especially when the owners are away from home.
  6. to go after and bring something back e.g. We throw a blue rubber stick and our dog fetches it.
  7. the specific type of animal e.g. There are many different breeds of dog, such as golden retriever and poodle.
  8. the sound a cat makes when it is happy.
  9. special food for an animal.
  10. to move a tail from side to side.


Use the following questions as a guideline to form an interesting conversation with your tutor. Feel free to diverge from these suggestions if anything interesting comes up.
Finally, Go over any new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.
  1. Do you have any pets? If you don’t have a pet, why not?
  2. What is your pet’s name? How did you choose this name?
  3. Describe your relationship with your pet.
  4. Do you ever talk to your pet? If so, what do you say?
  5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Why do you prefer one over the other?
  6. Do you think animals have thoughts and feelings? Why do you think so?
  7. Do you think animals have souls? Why or why not?
  8. Do you know someone who own an unusual pet?
  9. What do you think about people spending a lot of money on their pets?
  10. George Bernard Shaw said, “Animals are my friends…and I don’t eat my friends.”  Do you agree? Share your thoughts with your Cambly tutor!

Vocabulary of Pets

  1. Veterinarian (Vet)
  2. litter box
  3. leash
  4. stray (noun)
  5. pet sitter
  6. fetch
  7. breed
  8. Purr
  9. Treats
  10. Wag
  1. a person who looks after sick and hurt animals.
  2. a tray that has special absorbent sand, designed as a place for cats to pee or poop.
  3. the rope or other material used to stop an animal running away, normally a dog (same as lead).
  4. an animal that is lost or has no home. e.g. There are tons of strays, mostly cats, around my neighborhood.
  5. someone who is hired to take care of pet animals, especially when the owners are away from home.
  6. to go after and bring something back e.g. We throw a blue rubber stick and our dog fetches it.
  7. the specific type of animal e.g. There are many different breeds of dog, such as golden retriever and poodle.
  8. the sound a cat makes when it is happy.
  9. special food for an animal.
  10. to move a tail from side to side.


Use the following questions as a guideline to form an interesting conversation with your tutor. Feel free to diverge from these suggestions if anything interesting comes up.
Finally, Go over any new expressions or vocabulary that you learned today.
  1. Do you have any pets? If you don’t have a pet, why not?
  2. What is your pet’s name? How did you choose this name?
  3. Describe your relationship with your pet.
  4. Do you ever talk to your pet? If so, what do you say?
  5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Why do you prefer one over the other?
  6. Do you think animals have thoughts and feelings? Why do you think so?
  7. Do you think animals have souls? Why or why not?
  8. Do you know someone who own an unusual pet?
  9. What do you think about people spending a lot of money on their pets?
  10. George Bernard Shaw said, “Animals are my friends…and I don’t eat my friends.”  Do you agree? Share your thoughts with your Cambly tutor!